Transitional care
The multidisciplinary team as a facilitating agent in the hospital discharge process
Hospital Discharge, Transitional Care, Multidisciplinary team, Health educationAbstract
The patient's transition process from the hospital environment to home is known as Hospital Discharge. This arises due to the need for humanization, biosafety, and reduction in hospitalization time, bringing benefits to the health system and the patient himself. Objective: This work aims to report the experience of a multidisciplinary team, developed through the Hospital Discharge Support Commission (CADES) in a public hospital in Fortaleza-Ce. Methodology: Reflections were promoted based on the monitoring of a multidisciplinary team focused on Hospital Discharge, in addition to observations of the functioning of the service and notes in a field diary. Conclusion: It is concluded that the actions carried out by the CADES team in the hospital discharge process are fundamental, as they guarantee individualized transitional care that meets the demands of the SUS and current society.
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