Fluxo Editorial

The following image summarizes the main stages of the journal's editorial flow that takes place, mainly on the OJS Platform:

Source: Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação

After submission, the manuscript will be analyzed in pre-evaluation. At this stage, the data filled in the platform and the documents sent are checked. The manuscript is thoroughly analyzed by the editorial team, which will communicate its decision to the authors within an average period of 30 days. A manuscript approved in the first analysis does not exclude the possibility of requesting changes and resolving pending issues to the authors. If approved, after sending any modifications requested by the editorial team, the manuscript will be sent for peer review.

Once the peer review has been carried out, the reviewers' opinions will guide the decision of the editors, who will send the authors a letter of acceptance (with or without mandatory corrections) or a letter of rejection. In case of approval of the manuscript, the authors must regularize the processing fee and send the final version of the document, releasing it for the process of review, translation, standardization, metadata review, verification, publication, indexing, and dissemination.

We emphasize that during the process described above, small particularities may occur, depending on the needs of each author. In these cases, we emphasize the importance of writing a comment addressed to the editorial team at the time of submission, so that there is clarity in communication, assertiveness and resoluteness in the submission process for possible publication.